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Twin Cities Business - 2003
January - "Separate the Buckwheat from the Bull$#!+"
Ignore your real problems and when the economy recovers, you’ll be left in the dust, holding on to your propeller beanie with no excuses left.
February - "A Lesson In Corporate Biology"
Corporate philanthropy sustains a community, and therefore, its businesses.
March - "Political Animals"
Knowledge is power, so sharks build reefs around their departments and keep secrets within their close circle of friends.
April - "The Hocus Pocus of Business Financing"
The magical solution for some companies: lenders that base underwriting on the enterprise value of a company (its tangible and intangible assets)
May -"Rehumanize the Corporate Lexicon"
To help heavy-hitters avoid corporate jargon, I collected and defined some of the most popular buzzwords in the corporate lexicon.
June - "Going Private – It’s Groovy, Baby!"
Companies pay a lot of money to be public. But without attention from analysts and institutional investors, they don’t get the benefit.
July - "Winning = Innovation - Whining"
The best innovators start with an existing product rather than free-for-all brainstorming.
August - "Horse Sense and Analysis"
How you decipher the business environment is more important than how well you know it.
September - "What’s Leadership?"
Peter Drucker says a leader’s job is not to provide energy, it is to release energy. I think he’s talking about passion.
October - "Downsizing: A Manager’s Nightmare"
Rushing into across-the-board cuts that are not related to a renewal strategy is a stupid decision motivated by panic.
November - "When Duty and Values Conflict"
There’s a difference between necessary concealment for the good of the whole, and deception for personal gain.
December - "Leading with Humility"
For many people, it’s only after they’re in a leadership position that they realize they aren’t really in charge.
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